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Pat Benatar >> The Second Italian Convention

The Second Italian Convention.

April 27-28, 2013   Casanova Lerrone   Italy


To say that the second Italian Pat Benatar Convention has been a whirlwind of emotions is an understatement.

After two years from the first event, the right conditions happened to see one an other again, thanks to the strength and tenacity of the last Italo-French benatarian bastions.

The availability of a paradisiacal location, the agritourism Il Poggio at Casanova Lerrone in Liguria, and the involvement of  the band Murdok to brighten up the Saturday evening, kicked off at the games.

An unexpected event that occurred in the early afternoon, however, has upset our minds.

Each of us at that time tried hard, strong feelings, giving us a clear vision of the priorities of life.

I will not go into details of what happened, but I'll just point out how in the wonder of our convention it happened, without exaggeration, a true miracle.

At dinner we have become happy again after the good news and we kicked off the concert.

Music was the medicine that all we needed and the evening was concluded with dignity toasting with champagne.

A heartfelt thanks goes to the members of the band Murdok, which in almost two and a half months has created a set of fabulous songs from nothing.

Giulia, Paolo, Davide, Germano and Andrea ...... Thank you!

From now on, for us you will be forever Julie, Paul, David, Germain and Andrè!


                                                                            Luca Ansaldo


P.S. If any of you has sleeping problems, please, ask Pesolillo ..... he knows the secret recipe!


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